Business Opening Resource Guide
Hoboken is a great place to plant your business. As the fourth most densely populated city in the country, It’s a vibrant, welcoming community that offers so much in its one square mile.
Hoboken offers a variety valuable information if you if you are considering or planning on open-ing a business in Hoboken. Information ranging from Retail Food Guides to Demographics to A Guide to Open-ing a New Business in Hoboken. For more information visit:
Each year, local businesses operating in the City are invited to apply for this program,
which recognizes those making deliberate efforts to advance sustainable and
environmentally responsible practices for their customers, employees, and community.
Hoboken aims to build a thriving, active community of like-minded individuals and
businesses committed to progressive, responsible environmental values; a community
dedicated to the goals of improving and protecting our city, our residents, our
businesses and our planet. To learn more about how to be recognized as a “Green
Business” visit
Applications for New/Existing Building Construction
Construction Code Permits are a certification to all interested parties that an applicant intends to do construction work of a type which is regulated by the UCC. If an applicant is unsure about whether a Construction Code Permit is required, the City of Hoboken is available to help with the determination. A permit is needed for any new construction work, additions to structures, renovations or alterations affecting changes of use or egress. Permits are also needed for maintenance items such as sid-ing, roofing, window replacement where opening size is changed, and replacement of decks and balconies. A Construction Code Permit application needs to be submitted for each of the Subcode technical sections which pertain to the work along with three copies of construction plans for the work. The Subcode technical sections include Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire, and Elevator. To learn more, please visit
If you have questions or need more info, contact